12th World Congress & 5th TOS Conference – Year 2025

Every seven years the Theosophical Society has its World Congress. It is time for us to prepare for the 2025 event. This special event which also celebrates the 150 Anniversary of the TS will take place in Vancouver, Canada. The Canadian Theosophical Association has offered to host the event organized by the International Theosophical Society, Adyar. The occasion is also significant because it will be the TS in Canada’s 100-year Anniversary. So, these celebrations will uplift us. This is not all. Those who work or are interested in the global compassionate activity of the Theosophical Order of Service (TOS) can attend its International Conference following the World Congress.
A word from the National President
As President of the Canadian Theosophical Association, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our website. I invite you to browse its contents. You will find information in the form of articles, notices of upcoming conferences, useful links to other websites, a Facebook page, etcetera. You will, of course, find detailed information on Theosophy, the Theosophical Society, and Theosophists.
Some of you have been members of the Theosophical Society for a long time; others are visitors who have learned about the website through a friend, an acquaintance, or simply an advertisement. So, allow me – before you start your visit and go more and more into the details discussed by the various authors and presenters of the lectures, seminars, and videos – to do an overview with you on this great subject of Theosophy.
What is Theosophy, to whom is it addressed? Or, put another way, who should be interested in Theosophy?
First, a clarification about the importance of the language used. For some with a more modern orientation, just the word theosophy could raise some questions. The Greek meaning of Theo being God, many people in the 21st century, scalded by experiences with certain religions, might have a resistance toward any form of study which seems to involve religion. You should know that this name emerged in the Platonic era, and that at that time, to speak of the wisdom of the gods was a very significant thing and accepted by the whole population. But Theosophy has been called by many other names: Secret Doctrine, Occult Philosophy, Ancient Wisdom, Ageless Wisdom, and many others. So, I suggest that you don’t get too attracted or repelled by a name, but take a little time, to go and explore this subject in greater depth.
As far as far as I am concerned, after pondering for a long time, I like the term ageless wisdom, since it can be a question of wisdom having its source thousands of years ago; but also, of wisdom having its source at the present time. We find, for example, in quantum physics, in biology, in neuroscience, etcetera, knowledge that is very much in harmony with what we find in the Secret Doctrine, the main work of Madame Blavatsky.
So, what is Theosophy, what is its usefulness, and to whom can it be useful?
According to Mr. Charles Leadbeater (prominent Theosophist, circa 1880s) “Theosophy provides us with a rational comprehension of that life which was before for so many of us a mere unsolved problem – a riddle without an answer. From it we know why we are here, what we are expected to do, and how we ought to set to work to do it”. It is also said, that for those who seek meaning in life, the answers found in Theosophy are often more complete, more precise, and more useful than those coming from other sources.
There are others who have found in Theosophy a powerful conceptual structure, rich in information on all the planes of Nature, and the significance of spiritual evolution. Anyone who wonders, for example, about the formation and evolution of the universe, the origin, and the future of humanity on the physical and spiritual planes, will find in the study of Cosmogenesis and Anthropogenesis of the Secret Doctrine precious materials for any great seeker of Truth.
Also, for all people seeking to live a life of devotion and service, having an idealized vision of what human beings are and what they will become, certain small books such as “At the feet of the Master”, “The Golden Stairs”, and “The Voice of the Silence” can fulfill their highest aspirations.
Finally, there are also the vast majority of people, who are not great seekers, and who, at the moment, do not aspire to living a life with high ideals. They are too busy with their professions, their family, making sure their children are well, etcetera. If we consider Theosophy as, among other things, a means of knowing and putting into practice the Laws which govern the planet and all its inhabitants, doesn’t it make sense for all of us to know, at least to some extent, these Laws that govern this place, in which we are immersed, from the beginning to the end of our life? Wouldn’t that make our life more pleasant and happier to have a certain knowledge of these Laws, instead of constantly bumping into them? To give a simple example: whether or not we have an interest in taking driving lessons, we have surely noticed that those who have developed such skills usually have a quieter, more harmonious, and happier trip. Is it not the same for this great journey that is Life?
I leave you with these few thoughts. I wish you the best in your journey and do not hesitate to contact us. This is an invitation, to all those who want to participate, discuss, and explore this great subject.